Wednesday, June 6, 2012

IT Quiz 9


From where was the SUN derived in SUN MICROSYSTEMS?
a)Stanford University Network

Name the company which was formed in 1911 by the merging of three companies Tabulating Machine Company, the International Time Recording Company, and the Computing Scale Corporation?

Which company developed Java?
a)SUN Micosystems

Which famous company took the ownership of Sun Microsystems in On January 27, 2010?

Solaris is an Operating system. Which company developed it?
a)Sun Microsystem

Identify the company  from the tagline:
  global network of innovation.

Which German-American statistician  developed a mechanical tabulator based
  on punched cards?
a)Herman Hollerith.

The open source office of Sun Microsystems OPEN OFFICE was earlier known as what?
a) StarOffice

In which generation of computing was the transistors used?
a)II Generation

Expand IBM?
a)International Business machine

Name the website run by IBM for software developers and programmers?

What is the full form of USB?
a)Universal Serial Bus         

 Name the organization that gives IT solutions to the Govt of India and all the State Govts?
a)National Informatics Center

Name the organization that regulates mobile phone communication system?
a)International Telecommunication Union

Expand GSM a popular term used in the mobile phone communication?
a)Global System of Mobile Communication